3. Analyze

This section is focused on tools for analyzing outputs (Section 3.1), and additional resources (Section 3.4).

3.1. Julia Toolbox

To be continued …

3.2. Python Toolbox

To be continued …

3.3. Matlab Toolbox

The gcmfaces toolbox [FCH+15] can be used to analyze model output that has either been downloaded (Section 2.1) or reproduced (Section 4.1) by users. From the command line, you can install either the Matlab version by executing:

git clone https://github.com/gaelforget/gcmfaces

or the Octave version by executing:

git clone -b octave https://github.com/gaelforget/gcmfaces

The gcmfaces toolbox can be used, e.g., to reproduce the standard analysis (i.e., the plots in [FCH+16]) from released, nctiles model output (Section 2.1) or from plain, binary model output (Section 4.1). For more information, please consult the gcmfaces user guide.

3.4. Other Resources

  • A series of three presentations given during the May 2016 ECCO meeting at MIT provides an overview of ECCO v4 data sets, capabilities, and applications (Overview; Processes; Tracers).

  • Various Python tools are available to analyse model output (see, e.g., this tutorial).

  • Any netcdf enabled software such as Panoply (available for MS-Windows, Linux, or macOS) can be used to plot the interpolated output (interp_* directories).

  • The stand-alone eccov4_lonlat.m program can be used to extract the lat-lon sector, which spans the 69S to 56N latitude range, of native grid fields [FCH+15].

  • ECCO v4 estimates can be plotted via the NASA Sea Level Change Portal tools (interpolated output) or downloaded from the Harvard Dataverse APIs (native grid input and output).