2. Download

This section provides directions to download the ECCO V4r2 model output for analysis (Section 2.1), or download the underlying model setup to reproduce ECCO V4r2 (Section 2.2).

2.1. Model Solution

ECCO V4r2 was the first update to the original ECCO V4 solution [FCH+15] with :

  1. additional corrections listed in [FCH+16]

  2. additional model-data misfit and model budget output

  3. easier to rerun than ECCO version 4 release 1

The reference output for ECCO V4r2 is permanently archived in this Dataverse , which provides citable identifiers for the various datasets (see README.pdf). For direct downloads we recommend Dataverse.jl in Julia with code provided below.

Folders that start with nctiles_ contain data on the native LLC90 grid in the nctiles format [FCH+15]. This format is easily read in Julia, Python, and Matlab/Octave (see Section 3.1).


Alternatively interpolated fields, on a \(1/2\times1/2^\circ\) grid in standard NetCDF, is available via ecco-group.org.

Folders that start with input_ directories contain binary and netcdf input files for MITgcm (Section 4.1). The profiles/ folder contains the MITprof collections of collocated in situ and state estimate profiles [FCH+15].

2.2. Model Setup

Donwload MITgcm source code and ECCO V4r2 setup from GitHub.

git clone https://github.com/MITgcm/MITgcm
git clone https://github.com/gaelforget/ECCOv4
mkdir MITgcm/mysetups
mv ECCOv4 MITgcm/mysetups/.

To run ECCO V4r2 requires surface forcing input (96G of 6-hourly fields), initial condition, grid, etc. input (610M), and observational input (25G) from this Dataverse.

import Main.baseline2_files: get_list, get_files

[get_files(list1,nam1,pwd()) for nam1 in list1.name]

The Recommended Directory Organization is shown below. While organizing the downloaded directories differently is certainly possible, the Section 4.1 instructions to Compile, Link, And Run the model and Verify Results Accuracy are based on this organization.

Recommended Directory Organization

  model/   (MITgcm core)
  pkg/     (MITgcm modules)
    genmake2        (shell script)
    build_options   (compiler options)
  mysetups/         (user created)
      build/                (build directory)
      code/                 (compile-time settings)
      input/                (run-time settings)
      test/                 (reference results)
      forcing_baseline2/    (user installed)
      inputs_baseline2/     (user installed)


Some subdirectories are omitted in this depiction.